Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Vacation Update

This is Angie, giving you an update on my parent's vacation. Mom called me early this evening to tell me all about their weekend. She told me that they don't have easy access to the internet and wanted me to make sure the blog was "up-to-date." Mom spoke quickly and told story, after story, after story about the great experiences that they are having with their dear friends.

Mom informed me that the weather has been in the 90's, they are getting a nice tan (except for dad who is supposed to stay out of the sunshine because of the medication that he is on) and that they just cant bring themselves to get out of the pool! She said that they had dinner reservation at a fabulous restaurant that was at a high elevation on Saturday night and that she worried all day about how her lungs would tolerate it. It ended up being a great meal and she did not suffer from any breathing problems. Mom said the evening was a blast and it ended with mom getting "tipsy" and feeling a little silly. Sounds like fun to me!!

Today the six of them played a very competitive game of miniature golf which ended with the guys beating the girls by 13 strokes. Mom is pretty sure they cheated...but said they enjoyed themselves anyway. Tonight they planned to stay in and cool off after a hot day of playing around. She did not tell me what their plans are for tomorrow but she did mention something about driving go-carts or something before they come home. Mom always told us kids that she wanted to be a race car driver so my money is on her!

Consider yourselves "up-to-date" by Dor.

Dreaming Big,

1 comment:

Amy Schmitt said...

I have an update on the go-cart racing. They attempted to race the carts yesterday but 5 of the 6 had flip-flops on. Due to the "No open-toed shoe" rule... the team whose member had shoes on won my default.