Friday, June 13, 2008

Congrats Graduates!

Cancer that isn’t growing can’t kill you. That’s how we stay satisfied with the word “stable”. At Rick’s appointment today we were hoping to hear news that the chemo had been working extra hard to kill the cancer (which is why he got so sick last time). Instead, we learned that there were no changes. Being the cry baby that I’ve been lately, I found myself sobbing in the exam room. In my head I knew that stable was a good thing, but my heart wanted so much more. I want happy endings. I want to see lights at the end of the tunnel. I want dessert after dinner.

Rick is feeling better every day so they are giving him one extra week off and he’ll start back with the chemo on June 24th.

Hopefully we’ll learn something new from my MRI today. I won’t hear back from a doctor until next week but, cancer is taking a break from our family this weekend anyway. We’ve headed over to the Desert to check out the new house.

Last night we were trying to decide what we were going bring from home to put in the new DA house and we realized we’ve only been inside it for about 5 minutes. We hardly remember what it looks likes so we thought we better check it out before we start dragging things over the mountain.

The weather is supposed to be fabulous this weekend and I’m looking forward to the sun. Hopefully the sun cooperated in Stanwood as well as it was graduation tonight and there’s nothing worse on graduation night than soggy caps, gowns and graduates.

I’ll write more this weekend.

Love you more than graduates love their diploma.

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