Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day~

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family... Every DAY is important, but holidays seem to hold an even stronger importance for me. They are days when we all get together and eat wonderful food, enjoy each others company and make new memories. Those days should happen more often than a few days a year. Enjoy yourself today and remember to be thankful for your wonderful lives. I am :)

I had a very nice day yesterday with my parents. I'm so glad I took them with me to my doctor's appointment. They feel much more at ease now that they've met my docs, seen the Cancer Care Alliance, and know my routine when I get there. I took my new meds last night and they made me so groggy that I laid down after dinner and never got up again, until now.

Dr. Eaton says my lungs still sound ok, but we're trying a new medication to see if we can get the coughing to stop. I'm also taking an antibiotic (in case their is a little infection laying around), and he's scheduled a CT scan on the 4th of December. I'm sure everything will be just fine.

Until tomorrow, have your best Thanksgiving ever. Don't eat too much (you need to save enough for leftovers...), if you love someone...let them know, and never eat pumpkin pie without whipped cream (there are other places you can save calories...this isn't it!)

Dream Big, Be Thankful and Love Life,

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