Friday, November 24, 2006

Shopping Day 2006

Didn't you love the photo from yesterday? It's funny how people will look at it and say "what a nice looking family you have", but for me "I know what they have in their hearts, so I look at the photo and say "What an incredible family I have and how did I get so lucky?" Oh, and they're so cute too!

I've taught my children and husband well. Jake left the house at 2:00am today to wait in line at Best Buy because he kept having a dream that when he got there the store was completely empty (I think it was a turkey hangover talking...) He thought this was a sign so he left early. When he got to Burlington (at 2:30am) the line was already around the building. Perserverence paid off. He got what he waited for and saved over $300 (just like going to Geico). He said it was worth the wait. The store opened at 5:00am and at 5:06 he had already checked out. Rick set our alarm for 4:00am and we were in and out of the shower and ready to go at 4:30 am. We were at the stores by the time they opened at 5:00. Angie and Erin went south early in the morning. We called each other a half dozen times to brag about our bargains. Angie had enough of all the rude people she could handle by noon and I think she was home by 1:00. She said she bought lots of things, and since she's been a good girl this year, many of the things she bought were for herself. Amy took her time, and went shopping this afternoon. I'm sure she found some very nice things...she just didn't have to fight the crowds like the rest of us. Sales don't interest Amy as much as being able to find what she's looking for. Oh sure, she likes to get a good deal just like the rest of us it's just not a challenge for Amy like it is for me. Maybe she's the smart one. I wasn't out long today. I came home, took a nap and rested my foot and lungs. After dinner, I went out again for a couple of hours with my sister-in-law Vickie. We had fun and I actually found what I was looking for. Now it's time to start wrapping...

I have the Day After Thanksgiving Frenzy out of my system, so now just want to start decorating for the holidays. I need to get it done soon, because all of this preparation is cutting into my knitting time. I know I joke about it being an addiction....but I might need to go to knitters anonymus. Imagine what I would be like if I knew how to knit anything besides a scarf! They would find knitting needles and yarn in my drawer at work in a brown paper bag. I'd have to quit my job. My family would have an intervention. I'd be in total yarn detox - for at least 28 days. Thank goodness I can quit whenever I want... I just don't want to yet.

Tonight for dinner, I made turkey and dumpling soup. I have to say this was some of my best ever. Please don't ask for the recipe. Not that I wouldn't share it, it's just that I'm not sure what I did and I wouldn't be able to duplicate it. That's the problem with being an impulsive, inventive cook. You have no idea what you're doing, or how you did it. Thank goodness my children and huband weren't picky all these years. They would have starved. :( People often say I should write a book. Maybe it should be a cookbook. I'll call it, "Don't know what we're having but you'll probably like it".

My baby brother Darren turns 40 years old tomorrow. I hope to see him on Sunday to celebrate this special occasion. He is happier and healthier than I've ever seen him before. Life is good for him and that brings me joy. He's the best brother I could have asked for, however, I don't remember asking for a brother. We'll talk about that later.

It's time for me to go now so I can get my beauty sleep. (Who knows when I'll wake up...that beauty thing is going to be a BIG JOB)

I love you more than all the crazed shoppers in line at 4:45 this morning. Oh wait...that was me.

Dream Big,

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