Sunday, March 16, 2008

We're home safe

We had a wonderful time over at Desert Aire (except for the broken pipe repairs and the drenched closet floor --- broken pipe over flow) Everything is great now, thanks to the help of Bob and Dy and my handyman husband.

Generally we come back home by mid-afternoon. Today we stayed a little longer so we could pick Jake up at the airport. He was on stand-by all day so we didn't know when he would actually show up. We're all home safe tonight. I talked with the girls earlier and they were home too. I can sleep peacefully now.

I've told you before how I feel when I'm over at Desert Aire, but I want to share it with you again. The house is always clean (when we get there and when we leave it ), we have a television but only for movies and Wii. We play board games and cards. We work on sudoku puzzles. I read books... We don't have a phone (except for our cells and they don't always work). I forget about sickness (except in the mornings when we take our handful of pills). It's my little piece of Heaven.

I'm heading under the covers now because our house is freezing and I'm getting up early to go with Pam to Seattle Cancer Care for her 6 month check-up. I'm sure she has other plans for us as well. I can't wait.

Love you more than all the goosebumps on my body...(sorry, was that too visual?)
Dreaming Big,

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