Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Independence Day 2006

On our walk Sunday morning, Rick and I discovered that Desert Aire has an annual 4th of July Golf Cart Parade. (As you can imagine, I was very excited) Though many of the other participants went with the Americana theme, we decided (along with our Desert Aire family) to go with the "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" theme. We were all decked out in summer gear, strings of lights that had margaritas, daiquiris and martinis on them, umbrellas and pink flamingos in the back. We were a hit! We bought candy to throw to the kids, but in the 102 degree weather we should have been throwing popscicles.

We are having a wonderful time. As usual, great food, fabulous company and lots of laughs. The kids all decided to stay home. :( But, don't worry, we will all be over here again in the near future. My favorite thing to do while I'm here (besides eating at the "big house") is to sit in the blow up "ool", (notice that there is no P in Pool, please keep it that way) I feel like a kid when I'm here. Hey wait...I am a kid (at heart)

Please know that when I'm not writing in the blog, it's because I'm having a great time. I promise to share all the details of my fun when I get back to a computer.

I hope you are all being safe this holiday. I am :) Love you more than all the golf carts in the parade today...

Dream Big,


Anonymous said...

girl....... that cart was made for you two!!! We had a most awesome time, listened to a band at a freinds a house, watched fireworks and lets not forget some wine or in my case after the last winedinning I had,I just kept it at Bud light!!!:) Lets get together when you get home!! Love you more then all the money wasted on fire works!!!!!!!Peg

Anonymous said...

Hi Doreen, Pat here,of you know Pat and Susie and Frankie.....anyhow just wanted you to know that I was allowed to eat your portion of the home made Mac and Cheese :) Damn them boy's can cook! Bradly kept me laughing so much this evening that my face cheeks are a feelin it. Hope you all made it home safe...Pat