Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Crusade? No...just awareness

I woke up this morning and started my phone calls to all the important people who might be able to help me start my "flagger crusade". The truth is, yesterday just pushed me over the edge. I'm not starting a crusade. I'm going to try to make changes in the "clean air act". Everyone I communicated with today was understanding and very helpful.

Once I got a massage this afternoon I was feeling much better. Perhaps I wasn't really annoyed with what I saw yesterday, but rather stressed. No, I don't think that was my problem.

I got so many really nice e-mails from people who feel much like I do. It's not about the smoking, it's about the disrespect. I don't want the woman to lose her job. I want her to appreciate it. I'm done talking about it now.

Rick's blood work results show that his body is healing like they had hoped. Now if we could just get rid of his head cold, he'll be good to go. My sleeping has been terrible lately. Maybe tonight will be better.

It's Halloween tomorrow and I think I'm going to dress my kids up like clowns...Oh wait, I don't dress them up anymore...but if I did, you know what they'd be. Sorry kids.

Dream Big,

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