Thursday, August 02, 2007

Procedure complete!

The girls and I just left the hospital after a very LONG day. Rick was doing well when we left, but we needed to get some sleep so we could be back at the hospital by 9:00am. Dr. Lui said because of some complications, the surgery took 3 times as long as they had planned (3+ hours). After Rick's last procedure, his body healed itself and closed up the vessel they were planning on using for the second surgery. His body made a new vessel however that was 6 times as long (and curled around inside his liver). After incredible skill and patience, Dr. Lui and his team were able to get the job done. Rick's femoral artery started to develop scar tissue the last time he had surgery, so this time they did not sew it, or plug it back up...instead they are applying pressure for 6 hours and hoping it closes itself without scarring. We'll know more in the morning.

Thanks to Bob (my brother from another mother) and Dy for posting a quick blurb earlier to let you know what was happening in our life. Bob forgot to mention, that Rick's beads are really into country music now. Apparently, they spent the morning in Nashville, TN. When Rick talked to us tonight, he sounded like he had a little "twang" in his voice.

Love you more than (oh, I'm too tired to think of one tonight...I give you one tomorrow)

Dream Big,

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